Welcome to the 2025 SGA Vietnam Golf Week.


Here is all the info you will need for this exciting week!


  • WHATSAPP GROUP: We have created a What’sApp group so everyone can be contacted without paying for International phone calls. Please install the What'sApp app to your phones BEFORE YOU DEPART, and then click the following WhatsApp Group Link to join: https://chat.whatsapp.com/JexdY8YsYIvB36vgt9tXE9
  • Airport Transfers: Upon arrival in Vietnam, please look out for our Tour Guide. She will have your name on a board (or, for some of you, it will say "SGA Group").
    • If you are unable to locate the representative, please immediately call the HOTLINE NUMBER at  +84 989 739 826.
  • We are staying at the Haian Riverfront Hotel - 182 Bach Dang, Hai Chau, Da Nang
  • Welcome Dinner: This will be at NYX Lounge at Haian Riverfront at 7pm on Sunday evening.
    • If your flight is delayed, or you are coming in late, please let me know as soon as you can (via the Whatsapp group, or email/text)
  • Passports and VISAS: 
    • Please check your passport to ensure it is current, and that it will be valid for at least 6 months after your trip (so, through September this year). If your passport will expire soon, you may not be granted a visa/entry.
    • If you haven't already done so, you will need to apply for a visa to enter Vietnam. This can be done online via the Vietnam Govt website: https://evisa.gov.vn/. It should cost around $25USD for a single-entry electronic visa, and they claim to process it within 3 days.
      • PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE ARE A FEW DODGY/FRAUDULENT SERVICES THAT CLAIM TO BE OFFICIAL. If you have already applied via another service, please double-check to ensure it is official.
  • Golf GPS: We will have caddies, but if you are bringing a Golf GPS/Yardage device, please remember to update the courses before you leave, and also bring your charging cable(s).
  • Plugs and Adapters: Vietnam has 3 different types of plugs (A, C and F), with 220 volts at 50Hz. So if your device says something like "100-240, 50-60Hz", and you have the correct adapter, you should be ok.
    • Phones/Mobile Data. Some mobile providers like Telstra offer a $5/$10 a day "daypass". We recommend you look into this asap to ensure you avoid any large roaming/data charges during your trip.
    • Event Apparel: Each Player will receive a Vietnam Golf Week shirt and cap as a souvenir of the week. These will be handed  before the welcome dinner. You will also receive an Event Bag Tag, which you will need to put on your bag asap. This will be used to identify your bags when loading/unloading from the transfer bus.



That's all for now. We look forward to seeing you soon.



Mick David - 0402 488 253 (Or Via WhatsApp Chat)